We are Xcelerate

We help women business owners overcome systemic inequities to grow their businesses and build economic power now. Our transformative community is changing the face of success in business to be more inclusive, authentic, and sustainable.

Your business matters to us all.

By providing access to gender and culturally competent resources, we can help you increase your self-efficacy and grow your business on your terms. We believe your success leads the way to a more equitable future for us all.

In 2023, Xcelerate provided our highest impact direct services to 181 women-and-gender expansive owned businesses with $26.9M in gross revenues and collectively employing 537 Oregonians. We also delivered educational workshops, panels, and events to 375 community members across the State, for a total of 1,909 service interactions.

Here’s what we can offer you.

Navigation Services

Where your path to growth begins. In a call, our staff will get to know you and your business, assessing your current size, plans for growth, and immediate needs and concerns.

72% reported not knowing where else to go for support

Business Advising

Real expertise, tailored to your needs. Get coaching from experts, demystify your legal landscape, and heal from the stress and surfaced trauma of running a business.

97% felt heard and seen by their coach

Peer Mentorship

Join a small group of owners, matched by growth stage and business needs. Share successes and struggles, collaborate and ideate, set goals and hold each other accountable.

80% of participants developed more robust growth goals

Growth Education

Dive deeper into important topics and build meaningful skills in areas like Growth Strategy and Mindset, HR and Leadership, Financial Management, Marketing, Operations and Sales.

92% found workshops relevant to building their skills

Celebrate Women's History Month

Our values


Equal access to ownership with the tools to thrive is an economic imperative for effective social transformation. Sustainable economies and gender equality are not mutually exclusive.


We believe women should have the freedom to choose their pathway in life regardless of their gender and the norms associated with their gender.


We lead in an authentic way because women want to lead with authenticity. We show up in a way that’s meaningful to us and our individual journeys, despite the dominant narrative and we believe in bucking norms because they often don’t serve our authentic selves.


We are run by women owners for women owners. We are who we serve and we stand united with one common voice, to advocate for our collective rights to equality and to be heard, seen, and felt.


We are not asking the system to reform itself, we are emerging another way of doing things for the health of our shared humanity. Are you with us? We are mobilized, fierce, relentless, bold, and resilient.


Often defined in terms of an increase in the size or scale of operations in an upward trend, we see growth in a more holistic and multidimensional way.


It takes the diversity of ideas and human experiences to make a whole and healthy social landscape.


Every woman has the right to believe in their unique capabilities to achieve their dreams. Women have a right to feel confident, perceive their own competence, feel a sense of belonging, and experience their value.

What’s happening at Xcelerate

Our community hosts a variety of events and opportunities to get involved throughout the year. We’d love to see you there.

A colorful graphic that shows the workshop title Your Six Figure Strategy Workshop with a photo of Ashley K. Stoyanov Ojeda with the date and time 6/20/2024 | 10:00 AM
This is some text inside of a div block.

Your Six Figure Strategy Workshop with Ashley K. Stoyanov Ojeda

Multicultural business strategist, Ashley K Stoyanov Ojeda, unveils the secrets to implementing proven business strategy frameworks.

We can’t wait to meet you.

We’re always eager to hear from owners who need a hand and coaches ready to lend one. A team member will get in touch to explore what’s possible.

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