Now that construction is completed on the Wingspan Event and Conference Center there is still so much more potential for Westside Commons, formerly known as the Fair Complex. Accordingly, an update of the 2008 Master Plan, focused on the western portion of the Westside Commons site, has been completed. The Master Plan Update emphasizes multi-use improvements to benefit county residents and visitors year-round, while maintaining the long-term success of the County Fair and other current uses. Its development was guided by the Fairgrounds Development Advisory Committee (FDAC) and benefited from very active community and stakeholder involvement.
2019 Master Plan Update
Following a 15-month planning process, the Updated Master Plan was approved by the Board of Commissioners on July 16, 2019. At the same meeting, the Board of Commissioners approved the FDAC’s recommendation for a Naming Strategy for the Fair Complex and Event and Conference Center and that Naming Strategy process eventually resulted in selecting Westside Commons as the new name for the overall facility (formerly called the Fair Complex or Fairgrounds) and the Wingspan Event and Conference Center was the choice made for the facility's new building.
In May of 2019, more than 1,700 people visited the online open house and 398 took the survey. The survey results were very positive with each phase of the plan averaging a score of 4 out of 5. Approximately 4,300 community comments were received during the overall planning process.
A short video allows you to fly around the conceptual build-out of all three phases of updated Master Plan.
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Emergency Livestock Evacuation Plan
In the event there is an emergency that necessitates our Fairgrounds to be used as a shelter for evacuated livestock, we want to assure you we will be operating and available to take in your livestock. Should a livestock evacuation be necessary, go to www.bigfairfun.com, our Fair website, and we will have more information to help you at that time, but please know our team is prepared to help you!
Keeping It Real
The approved Master Plan Update sets a big vision for the future, but it will take years to realize. That is why the plan is broken into three phases that make improvements to Westside Commons over time. In the meantime, there is a need to steward existing facilities to meet current need with existing resources.

Fairgrounds Development Advisory Committee
The Board of County Commissioners created the nine-member Fairgrounds Development Advisory Committee (FDAC) in the fall of 2010 to provide advice and counsel to the Board of Commissioners on the Fairgrounds Master Plan, Fairgrounds Capital Projects Plan and other major site-related initiatives. The Fair Board President (or designee) represents the Fair Board on the committee. Other members of the FDAC represent various countywide stakeholders in the success of the Fair event and use of the fairgrounds property.
Contact Information
Fairgrounds Development Advisory Committee
c/o Washington County Administrative Office
155 N First Avenue, Suite 300, Mailstop 21
Hillsboro, OR 97124-3072
Phone: 503-846-8685
Fax: 503-846-4545
Email: [email protected]