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Supportive Housing Services Plans and Reports

Learn more about plans, policies, and reports related to the Supportive Housing Services program.

The need for housing stability and the rate of homelessness are growing in Washington County. The SHS program is intended to scale up services and housing options to respond effectively to this growing community concern. Measuring the impact of programs and public investments ensures our work is on track and doing the greatest good possible for our community.

The SHS program measures both the ongoing need in our community and the effect of our programs using outcome and performance evaluation metrics. Quarterly and annual reports can be found here, as well as our Local Implementation Plan approved in 2020, which guides this work.

Program reporting

To track implementation process, the program publishes quarterly and annual reports that describe program updates, outcomes, and financial expenditures.

Year 1 (Fiscal Year 2021-22)

Work Plan: See Local Implementation Plan (LIP) below.

Year 2 (Fiscal Year 2022-23)

Work Plan:

Year 3 (Fiscal Year 2023-24)

Work Plan:

Year 4 (Fiscal Year 2024-25)

Work Plan Summary:

Annual Budget:

Local Implementation Plan (here)

The Washington County Local Implementation Plan (LIP) guides the implementation of our Supportive Housing Services program. The LIP was created with broad community feedback over many months to inform data analysis of current programs, racial disparities, and unmet needs, as well as shared values and commitments of the program. The Washington County Plan was approved unanimously by the Board of County Commissioners, Metro Oversight Committee, and the Metro Council. Our Local Implementation Plan commits to several program goals that guide program investments and evaluations to ensure the community need is met. Overall goals include:

  • Create and sustain 1650 Supportive Housing Placements annually
  • Create and sustain 250 year-round shelter beds annually
  • Ensure housing placement and retention outcomes advance racial equity