SW 209th Avenue is located east of the city of Hillsboro's new South Hillsboro development. Between Alexander Street and Kinnaman Road, 209th Avenue is a two-lane road with dedicated left-turn lanes on both the north and south sides, but no bike lanes.
Traffic is expected to increase as South Hillsboro continues to develop. We will be:
- Widening 209th Avenue to five lanes, two travel lanes in each direction and a protected center-turn lane.
- Improving the grade of the railroad crossing on 209th Avenue, south of Tualatin Valley Highway. Adding bike lanes
- Improving street lighting.
- Adding landscaping, sidewalks, signal and bus stop upgrades and drainage.
- The work will be done in coordination Cornelius Pass Road, 234th Avenue and 198th Avenue improvements.
Construction start: July 2022
Construction finish: Sept. 1, 2024
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9/6/2024: Construction is significantly complete. There may be intermittent lane closures for corrective work.
Cost Estimate: $29.1 million
Funding Sources:

CPO 9 (inactive)
Commissioner Districts 1 and 3
Prior events and comment opportunities
Construction kickoff open house: 5/20-6/5/2022
Open house: June 13, 2019
- Fast Facts
- Typical cross section
- Design map: 209th Avenue - north project section
- Design map: 209th Avenue - south project section
- Design map: Tualatin Valley Highway
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