We are designing the Basalt Creek Parkway Extension between Grahams Ferry and Boones Ferry roads.
Both 124th Avenue/Basalt Creek Parkway opened in 2017, linking Tualatin-Sherwood and Grahams Ferry roads. That was the first piece of a planned interconnected transportation network to support future development in the 850-acre Basalt Creek Planning Area. Planning for this area is a cooperative effort among the cities of Tualatin and Wilsonville and Washington County.
Both the Basalt Creek Parkway and the Basalt Creek Parkway Extension are key elements of the Basalt Creek Transportation Refinement Plan.
The Basalt Creek Parkway Extension will have two lanes in each direction with multiuse (bicycle and pedestrian) paths and streetlights on both sides. A bridge will span Tapman Creek and adjacent wetlands. A new traffic signal will be installed where Basalt Creek Parkway connects with Boones Ferry Road. The street increases transportation system capacity to meet freight and commuter needs.
The Basalt Creek area currently lacks connected transportation facilities needed to support economic and urban-level development. The cities of Tualatin and Wilsonville and Washington County approved projects to be constructed over time. These include the extension of 124th Avenue and Basalt Creek Parkway to connect Tualatin-Sherwood and Boones Ferry roads.
The Basalt Creek Parkway Extension is an important piece of the interconnected transportation network needed to serve over 1,700 acres designated for industrial development in the cities of Tualatin, Wilsonville and Sherwood. The area is expected to create up to 14,000 jobs. The cities and county continue working together to implement the plans for this significant employment area.
Design start: Winter 2020
Design finish (expected): Spring 2025
Construction: Dependent on funding
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12/31/2024: We continue to look for funding opportunities.

- CPO 5 (inactive)
- Commissioner District 3
Cost Estimate: $8.7 million (design); $40 million (to complete)
Funding amount: $6 million
Funding sources:
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
- Major Streets Transportation Improvement Program (MSTIP)
- MSTIP Opportunity Fund
- Transportation Development Tax (TDT)
- Road Fund Capital
Biological Resources Report Summary
No plant or animal species protected under the Endangered Species Act were found in the project area. In-water work will be restricted to July 15 - October 30 to limit impacts to fish. We are required to mitigate any impacts to wetlands and waters. We will replace trees and shrubs removed during construction with at least as many plants of native species. We will add about 3 acres of native seeds next to the roadway.
The project area has many invasive species. We have been advised to clean plant material from equipment and limit the amount of land disturbed to reduce the spread. About four acres of treatment for weed control is expected.
Full biological resources report
Endangered Species Act Determination of No Effect
No state or federally listed endangered species or critical habitats were found in the area of potential impact for the Basalt Creek Parkway Extension project.
Determination of No Effect memo
Noise Report Summary
This report looks at the noise impacts expected from the road extension. We use this to determine if it is feasible and reasonable to build sound walls. We use Oregon Department of Transportation guidelines. A reasonable cost per property owner is less than $25,000.
On the north side of the proposed road sound walls would cost about $267,000 per property owner. On the south side of the road it would cost $114,000 per property owner. The cost of sound walls is too high to be reasonable. Sound walls are not recommended on this project.
Full noise report
Wetland Delineation Report
The Department of State Lands is reviewing the wetlands delineation report for the Basalt Creek Parkway Extension project.
Wetland delineation report
Prior events and comment opportunities
Open House: Feb. 25-March 13, 2022
Update: February 2021
Update: October 2020

Open House: Oct. 23, 2019
Open house: June 11, 2019
Basalt Creek Transportation Refinement Plan Alternatives
- Transportation Refinement Plan (beginning on page 318)
City concept plans
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