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Main Street, Banks Road and Cedar Canyon Road Intersection

We will improve the intersections of Main Street, Banks Road and Cedar Canyon Road in the city of Banks.

We are realigning the intersection and installing a traffic signal where Main Street (Nehalem Highway OR-47) meets Banks Road and Cedar Canyon Road. This will help address needs of future development and growth in east Banks. This project is identified in the City of Banks Transportation System Plan.

We will install a traffic signal at the intersection. Sidewalks will be added on Banks Road and Main Street.

Construction start (expected): Fall 2024
Construction finish (expected): December 2025

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7/24/2024: We are preparing to bid for a construction contractor. We will have a Meet the Contractor open house before construction starts, tentatively Nov. 14.


Cost Estimate: $6.3 million

Funding sources:

Prior events and comment opportunities

Open house: May 14-20, 2021
