We understand the importance of commemorating loved ones following an incident. We ask that memorials not be placed in the right-of-way. But if they are, these rules help us respectfully make sure that memorials, visitors and travelers stay safe.
All roadside memorials on Washington County streets and roads are temporary. They are allowed up to 90 days after the date of the incident if they meet our guidelines. We post notices near memorials identifying the date the memorials must be removed. Friends, family and loved ones may collect the memorials materials before that date. If the memorial is not removed by the date specified, Washington County will remove it. Memorials cannot be recovered after removal by the County.

We can remove roadside memorials without notice if they do not follow these guidelines, or we determine they are dangerous to the traveling public:
Temporary roadside memorials must be located:
- At least six feet from the edge of the road if there is no curb
- At least two feet from the back of the curb, if one is present
- At least 50 feet from a road intersection, driveway or other access
- At the backside of a sidewalk or roadside drainage ditch
Temporary roadside memorials cannot be:
- In center medians or the center of a roundabout
- In a spot that encourages people to park vehicles or stand in a way that would block the road, bike lanes or sidewalks
- In a location that blocks signs or sight distance at intersections and driveways
- Attached to vegetation, utility poles, cabinets, sign poles or other structures in the right-of-way
Materials and Maintenance
Remember that all roadside memorials are temporary. Roadside memorials cannot:
- Be staked or buried deeper than 12 inches
- Use a base involving concrete, bricks or metal
- Use wooden materials that are more than 2-inches thick or 4-inches wide
- Include food, noise-making devices or controlled substances such as alcohol and other drugs
- Involve fire, such as candles or torches
- Use bicycles larger than a standard adult bicycle, or that are made out of unusual materials
The people who placed the memorial are responsible for its upkeep. If it appears that a memorial is in disrepair or is abandoned, we may remove it.