The CCI plays an important role in ensuring that the voices of the community are considered when decisions are being made.
Since 1973, the CCI has provided a direct line of communication between residents and county government and has been dedicated to the success of community participation in government decision-making processes. The CCI is a vital part of the Washington County CPO Program, which is made up of 17 Community Participation Organizations (CPOs) led by volunteers with a membership from the communities they serve.
CCI membership consists of two representatives from each recognized CPO. Per the CCI bylaws, additional members may participate based on these distinctions:
- Each CPO is allowed two CCI alternates.
- Inactive CPOs are allowed two CCI reps, as approved by the CCI.
- CCI reps are allowed from communities of interest.
- CCI subcommittee chairs may also participate as CCI reps.
CCI subcommittees focus on specific areas of community interest. You can volunteer to participate in a subcommittee by emailing the CCI Leaders at [email protected]
Code and Ordinance Subcommittee
Focuses on Washington County land use development issues, reviewing recommended codes and ordinances and providing suggested comments and actions to CCI. Currently the chair position is vacant.
Communications Subcommittee
Works to improve ways the CPOs and CCI can communicate with the public, including correcting and improving the OEICE and other county web pages relating to public involvement, assisting CPOs in maintaining credibility of public communications, advising LUT on improvements to its communications, and other topics related to CPO/CCI communications internally and with the public. The subcommittee studies intent, content, and technology.
Significant Natural Resources Subcommittee
Follows the County's process for developing Significant Natural Resources standards.
Transportation Subcommittee
Details to come.
The CCI Steering Committee and subcommittees are led by community volunteers. Each committee holds monthly meetings. See upcoming meeting information below.
Volunteer Opportunities - Share your time and talents! There are CCI leadership positions open for community members nominated by their CPOs to be CCI representatives, or representatives from communities of interest. The Secretary position is open. Contact current leadership at [email protected] for more information about volunteering.
CCI Steering Committee
Chair: Bruce Bartlett
Vice Chair: Mary Manseau
Corresponding Secretary: Open
At Large: Paul Johnson, Gretchen Beuhner
CCI Subcommittees
Chair, Code and Ordinance Subcommittee: Open
Chair, Communications Subcommittee: Virginia Bruce
Chair, Significant Natural Resources Subcommittee: Jim Long
Contact Information
Email: CPO Program at [email protected] | CCI leaders at [email protected]
Phone: 503-846-6288
Postal mail: Attn: CCI, 155 N First Ave., Suite 370, MS20, Hillsboro, OR 97124
For more detailed information about the CCI, review the CCI Bylaws below.
CCI Meetings
The CCI holds a monthly general meeting. In addition, the CCI Steering Committee and subcommittees hold monthly meetings (the Code and Ordinance Subcommittee is not holding meetings at this time). See below for meeting information. All meetings are open to the public.
- CCI | Committee for Community Involvement
CCI GENERAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 18Feature presentations:
Special guest: Alicia Sojourner, Washington County Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer
Topic: CPO Modernization Project Review
Topic: LUT Work Planning Program UpdateThis is a virtual meeting:
Join your neighbors online at the link below.This agenda has been provided to you by CCI volunteer leaders.
. . .
CCI General Meetings
The CCI generally holds virtual meetings on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 pm. Meetings are open to the public.Upcoming
Future meeting dates: Jan. 21, Feb. 18, Mar. 18, Apr. 15, May 20- CCI Steering Committee
The CCI Steering Committee generally holds virtual meetings on the Wednesday following the CCI general meeting at 11 am.
- CCI Communications Subcommittee
The Communications Subcommittee generally holds virtual meetings on the second Wednesday of each month at 4 pm.
- CCI Significant Natural Resources Subcommittee
The Significant Natural Resources Subcommittee generally holds virtual meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 9 am.
- CCI Transportation Subcommittee
Not holding meetings at this time.
Meeting Minutes
Find minutes here for the CCI general monthly meetings. Presentations, maps, fact sheets and other supporting documents are also included.
- 2025 | CCI Meeting Minutes
Missing dates reflect months that the CCI did not meet.
February 18
- 2024 | CCI Meeting Minutes
Missing dates reflect months that the CCI did not meet.
January 16CANCELLED due to inclement weather.
February 6 - Special Meeting
February 20
March 19CCI Letter: Acknowledgement of CAO Response
April 16
May 21CCI Form: Transportation Subcommittee Initiation - Draft 3
June 18
July 16
September 17
October 15
November 19- 2023 | CCI Meeting Minutes
Missing dates reflect months that the CCI did not meet.
January 17
February 21
March 21LCDC Hearings Officer Recommendation on SNR
LUT Presentation: Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities
April 18
May 16(Note: Minutes incorrectly list the meeting taking place on May 18)
Agenda | Minutes
LUT Presentation: Draft 2023-25 Planning Work Program
June 20
July 18Review Summary Questions
Component Pieces of the CPO
September 19
October 17
November 21Wash Co Home Rule Charter - OR Public Mtgs Law - OR Ethics Law and Public Records Law
CCI Letter: 120-Day Rule
December 19- 2022 | CCI Meeting Minutes
Missing dates reflect months that the CCI did not meet.
January 18
February 15
March 15
April 19
May 17
June 21
July 19
September 20
October 18
November 15
December 20- 2021 | CCI Meeting Minutes
Missing dates reflect months that the CCI did not meet.
January 19
February 16
March 23
April 20
May 18
September 21
October 19
November 16
If you need ADA accommodations, language interpretation or translation, or any other assistance to help you access these opportunities for participation, please contact us at [email protected].