Map shows treatment providers and resources near you!
Our online maps can help you find substance use treatment providers and supports in Washington County. Find a provider, then search for related resources and services close to the same location. Use the filters to search for public transportation, shelters and housing services. Use the map in English or Spanish. NOTE: The map is best viewed on a laptop or desktop computer. It likely won't work on phones and could be challenging on tablets.
There is no shame in having an addiction, and recovery is possible. If you or someone you care about is struggling with drug or alcohol use, there is help available. There are many options. Where you can get help depends on your insurance coverage and your needs.
To get help connecting to substance use disorder services
- If you have insurance, call your insurance company and request a referral to addiction services.
- Washington County Crisis Line at 503-291-9111 is answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Hawthorn Walk-in Center in Hillsboro is confidential and free if you need support right away for a mental health concern or substance use disorder.
- County-Funded Treatment List for Substance Use Disorders is available for people with very low income who have limited or no insurance coverage. To be eligible, you must live in Washington County. Services are available for youth and adults. Treatment in Washington County is provided through a network of community providers.
- Behavioral Health Resource Network (BHRN): Free substance use treatment and resources are available to anyone who lives in Washington County.
- OHA's Substance Use Disorder Services Directory lists substance use disorder treatment and peer support.
- YouthLine connects youth who are struggling with drug or alcohol use to a teen crisis helpline for teen-to-teen support by (texting or calling) 877-968-8491 or texting 'teen2teen' at 839863.
More resources
- Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) Factsheet
- Problem gambling
- Opioids and Overdose Prevention: Learn signs of overdose, how naloxone works, how to get help, find recommended publications, access data sources, and get additional resources.
- Washington County Deflection Program: Eligible people who are cited or arrested for Possession of a Controlled Substance can avoid prosecution by successfully engaging in substance use treatment.
- Harm Reduction Program: Aims to protect the community and promote public safety by reducing potential harms from injection drug use such as the spread of infections like HIV and hepatitis C, syringe litter in communities, and overdose deaths.
- Safely dispose of unused medications
- Prevention: We are working together to create environments that decrease the possibility of suicide, alcohol, tobacco, drug use, and other mental health challenges.
- Mental health services: How to access help in Washington County

Hawthorn Walk-In Center
If you need support right away for a mental health concern or substance use disorder, the Hawthorn Walk-In Center may be able to help. Learn more about this program and how to get support.

Center for Addictions Triage & Treatment
Washington County is developing a comprehensive substance use treatment center with additional supportive services for adults in our community.

Free substance use treatment and resources are available to anyone who resides in Washington County.

Behavioral Health
5240 NE Elam Young Parkway
Suite 150
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124
Suite 150
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124