If you want to submit your Manufactured Home Ownership Documents (MHODS) for processing through the state Building Codes Division (BCD) in Salem, you will need to obtain a Tax Certification from us first. To obtain one, you will need:
- A copy of the Manufactured Home Ownership Document Application for New and Used Homes (form 2952) with the following sections completed:
- Applicant information
- Home information
- Current location
- Owner information
- Buyer information
- Taxes paid in full at time of transaction. This includes an advance demand, if applicable.
- $16 fee payable to Washington County by cash, check, or money order.
- Contact information for the person who is to receive the valid Tax Certification. Indicate how you would like the form returned to you.
You must complete the transaction through the state’s BCD in a timely manner. Tax Certifications are usually valid for 30 days. Obtaining only a Tax Certification from us does not cause any changes to the ownership, lender, or manufactured home title.
For forms and further information, contact us, or visit the Building Codes Division website, or view the Manufactured Home Ownership Document Transaction Guide.
The required documents and fees can be mailed to our office or presented in person.

Department of Assessment & Taxation
Suite 130, MS 9
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124