Washington County is looking for people interested in opening a mental health adult foster home. Adult foster home (AFH) providers are independent businesspeople who own and operate their own programs. Some providers own the AFH property, while some rent properties that meet licensing standards.

Mental health adult foster homes (AFH) are an important resource in Washington County for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. AFHs provide a stable and safe home-like living environment for up to five individuals who need help with certain activities of daily living. These may include help with managing medications, having meals prepared, or other activities of self-care.
AFH providers are a key part of a resident’s support team, often working closely with behavioral health and medical providers. AFH providers help promote their residents’ independence and ability to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.
AFHs are licensed directly with the Oregon Health Authority in accordance with Oregon Administrative Rules: Health Systems Division: Behavioral Health Services – Chapter 309, Division 40 – Adult Foster Homes. Additional licensing and certification information, including a list of compliance specialists for licensing, can be found on the state's adult foster homes website.
Washington County Behavioral Health participates in state licensing and supports AFH providers and their residents with licensing technical assistance, annual provider trainings and care coordination.
Washington County currently has 16 licensed mental health AFHs. We are recruiting new providers with property locations that meet licensing standards. We welcome your questions about opening and running an AFH. Email [email protected] or call 503-846-4515 for more information.