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Advisory Council on Racial Equity

The Advisory Council on Racial Equity advises Washington County’s Board of Commissioners and County leadership on the advancement of equity, diversity and inclusion best and promising practices.

In their Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) resolution of February 2020, the Washington County Board of Commissioners committed to advance equity and racial justice to improve outcomes for all members of the community. As part of this commitment, the Board authorized efforts to form the Washington County Advisory Council on Racial Equity (ACRE).

ACRE primarily consists of 13 county residents and community partners with lived experience of racial inequity who are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Two Board members also serve as liaisons on the Council. All members have voting authority, as noted in the ACRE Charter.


  • Advance equity, diversity and inclusion outcomes by way of advising on the County’s planning, policies, legislative work, budgeting and programming.
  • Empower Washington County equity leaders, especially those from communities most impacted by racial inequities, to advise the Board of County Commissioners.
  • Ensure that needs and priorities of communities most impacted by racial inequities are centered in County policies and operations.


  • Center and build equity, diversity and inclusion into the County’s Board priorities, strategic plan, legislative agenda, policies, programmatic priorities and departmental priorities and strategic plans.
  • Engage with and empower the community to establish external accountability and to ensure community needs are prioritized by the County.

Meeting agendas and video links

Council information and application
