If you will be away during an election but wish to vote, request an absentee ballot if you're registered to vote. The post office won't forward your ballot from your home address, so you must request the absentee ballot sent to your new location.
Away/Absentee Voters are citizens who are registered to vote in Washington County, Oregon, but are residing/visiting outside the County.
- Military
- Overseas
- Snowbirds
- College Students
- Permanent Travelers or any voter who will be away during an Election
Ballots are not forwardable therefore it is important that we have a current mailing address.
Possible reasons for requesting a ballot for an absent elector include:
- you will be on vacation during an election
- you are a college student living away from home
- you live part of the year in another state (e.g. snow bird)
If you are serving in the Armed Forces, the Merchant Marine or are temporarily living outside the territorial limits of the United States, you must fill out a:
Please contact the elections office at 503-846-5800 if you have any questions.

Suite 170
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124