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The Washington County Department of Housing Services consists of all its affordable housing and homeless services programs to support the County's residents, including the Housing Authority of Washington County.

Department of Housing Services

The Department of Housing Services was formed in 1992 to administer housing activities and programs of Washington County and its Housing Authority. Working in partnership with both the non-profit and the private sector, the department combines traditional housing programs with economic opportunity to encourage self-sufficiency, skill enhancement and independence for program participants.

For the County's plans, policies and reports click here, otherwise please view the Department's sections below:

Homeless Services Division

Washington County is committed to preventing and ending homelessness. The Homeless Services Division partners with community-based organizations, affordable housing owners and independent landlords to provide housing assistance and supportive service programs such as shelters that help families and individuals achieve housing stability. The division provides evidence based, trauma informed, and culturally responsive programs designed to advance equity while ending homelessness.

Homeless Services Division

Housing Development

Since 2018 when voters approved the Regional Affordable Housing Bond measure, providing $192.2 million to Washington County for affordable housing development, the department has been hard at work implementing various projects throughout the County for its community members.

Housing Development

Housing Authority of Washington County

The Housing Authority of Washington County was created on August 4, 1970, by the Board of Commissioners. In 2021, it became one of the 87 agencies selected through the Moving to Work Expansion. Moving to Work allows the authority to operate with flexibility and create programs that are tailored to our local community.

Rental Assistance

The Rental Assistance Division administers more than 3,280 units of federal rental subsidy and support programs. The Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) program is the primary form of rental assistance, currently providing more than 2,732 rental assistance vouchers, including Project-Based ones. The program serves very low-income households making 50% or less of Area Median Income. Tenants pay about 30% of their incomes towards rent and the rest by the housing authority to help them stay stably housed.

Rental Assistance Programs

Public Housing

The Housing Authority of Washington County owns and operates 244 units of Public Housing, located throughout the County. There are 112 single family units and 132 multi-family units. The amount of rent the tenants pay is calculated based on income, usually about 30% of household adjusted income.

Public Housing

Affordable Housing

The Housing Authority of Washington County owns more than 600 units of affordable rental housing, located throughout Washington County. These units offer below-market rents to qualifying low-income households, typically those earning up to 50-80% of the Area Median Income. These properties also accept Section 8 rental assistance vouchers. There are approximately 1,300 people living in our affordable housing portfolio.

Affordable Housing Properties