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Emergency Solutions Grant

Washington County, OR administers the Emergency Shelter Grant program which is allocated among the four homeless shelters in Washington County. Funding is available on an annual basis.

With the authorization of the HEARTH Act in May 2009, Congress made significant changes to the McKinney-Vento Act programs. One of the changes replaced the Emergency Shelter Grant program (ESG) with the Emergency Solutions Grant. The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) provides federal funds to assist individuals and families to quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness.

In coordination with the activities of the County's Continuum of Care –The Housing and Supportive Services Network (HSSN), OCD administers the ESG program. In previous years, ESG funds administered through Washington County OCD were used for combination of street outreach, emergency shelter operations, homeless prevention, and rapid re-housing administered through Community Action.

Washington County's Office of Community Development (OCD) will be conducting its Application Workshop for the Emergency Solutions Grant on Wednesday, November 20th from 9 am – 11am via Teams.

Attendance at the workshops will be MANDATORY for all program applicants. Please RSVP to Lauren Calo at [email protected]

To help ensure equal access to Washington County Office of Community Development programs, services and activities, we will provide translation, reasonably modify policies or procedures and provide auxiliary aids/services/alternative formats to persons with disabilities. For accommodations, translations, complaints, and additional information, contact 503-846-8814, or for voice to TTY relay dial 711 or 1-800-735-1232.

Para ayudar a asegurar un acceso igualitario a los programas, servicios y actividades de la Oficina de Desarrollo Comunitario del Condado Washington, nosotros proveemos traducciones, políticas o procedimientos modificados razonables y también apoyos/servicios auxiliares o formatos alternativos para las personas con discapacidades. Para solicitar acomodaciones, traducciones, quejas o una información adicional, contáctenos llamando al 503-846-8814 o para voz en retransmisión de TTY, marque 711 o 1-800-735-1232.