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HOME Program

Washington County, OR offers loans to non-profit and for-profit housing providers for housing projects benefiting low income persons. Funding for these loans is available on an annual cycle.

A Washington County and City Consortium

First authorized by Congress under the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds are federal resources awarded to states, counties, cities and consortiums (City-County partnerships) by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the purpose of developing affordable housing projects that shelter low-income households. The Washington County HOME Consortium includes all cities in Washington County.

The Washington County HOME Consortium has been active since 1992, and to date, HOME funds have supported 67 developments which provide affordable housing to 1,908 households. HOME funding has financed a variety of housing projects including preservation, acquisition and rehabilitation, special needs owner-occupied housing rehab programs, homeownership programs, and affordable rental housing.

HOME Program Activities

Acquisition financing

Acquisition Financing under the HOME program is defined as the acquisition of buildable land or existing housing units not needing rehabilitation (meeting Housing Quality Standards) at acquisition. Land banking is a prohibited use of HOME funds, and construction must begin on the proposed HOME project within twelve months of the acquisition of vacant land.

Rehabilitation financing

Rehabilitation Financing under the HOME program is defined as the alteration, repair, improvement, or modification of existing housing, including converting nonresidential buildings for use as affordable housing. Rehabilitation may also include adding rooms to an existing structure, but adding housing units to an existing structure is considered New Construction.

New construction financing

New Construction Financing under the HOME program is defined as the construction of rental or homeownership housing units. Any project that includes the addition of new housing units is a New Construction project.