How to submit residential permit applications:
Submissions are limited to 10 permits per week. Upload plans and pay Plan Review fees within 30 days of submission.
- Select the correct application, based on the permit needed and download the form.
- Once downloaded, complete, digitally sign and submit the application:
- By email to [email protected]
- In office, only if you are a homeowner applicant.
- Oregon ePermitting (contractors only), for residential electrical, plumbing and mechanical-only permits.
- Recommended: Check with staff to determine if a grading permit is needed.
- Staff will set up your permit.
- When complete, you will receive an email confirmation with instructions on payments and how to upload plans.
- Upload plans to Electronic Plan Review/ProjectDox, an online electronic plan review system.
Applications must be physically or digitally signed.
Permit Applications
- NFPA 13D Permit (same as Building Permit)
Forms, Guidelines & Checklists (May be required)
Residential Building Permit Process
- Permit Initiation
- Select the correct application, based on the permit needed.
- Complete the application and submit:
- Via email to [email protected]
- In office, only if you are a homeowner applicant.
- Oregon ePermitting (contractors only), for residential electrical, plumbing and mechanical-only permits.
- Recommended: Check with staff to determine if a grading permit is needed.
- Staff will set up your permit.
- When complete, you will receive an email confirmation with instructions on payments and how to upload plans.
- Upload plans to Electronic Plan Review/ProjectDox, an online electronic plan review system.
- Completeness check (by staff)
- Notice of incomplete submittal will be provided to applicant (if needed)
- Technical and Plan Review
- Site plan review and grading review
Fire/life safety review
Engineering review, if needed
All technical and plan review comments must be addressed prior to moving to Step 4.
- File Check
- Final review of all elements
- Permit issued
- Inspections
- Inspections must be scheduled throughout the process
- Details included in the permit package
- Inspections must be scheduled throughout the process
- Final inspection, permit finalized
Public Permitting & Services Portal

Search for permits, schedule inspections, get inspection results, pay fees, submit code complaints and more
Design Criteria

Learn about Engineering structural design criteria and residential prescriptive design (non-engineered) design criteria

We accept all plan review submittals through Electronic Plan Review/ ProjectDox. Find applications/forms, instructions and inspections.